Sectrail CM

SecTrail Certificate Manager

It is used to manage the digital certificates of active devices and servers running on Data Networks for TLS/SSL protocols. SecTrail CM performs the digital certificate management, which is currently done by using human factors in many institutions and companies, without the need for intervention.

Why is SecTrail CM Necessary?

SecTrail CM can be used in cases where digital certificate management needs to be done simultaneously on multiple devices and servers.

SecTrail CM can report and track when the certificates on the devices and servers under its management need to be renewed, while at the same time automating the renewal process of these certificates.

The number of nodes that SecTrail CM can manage certificates simultaneously is 10 thousand.

SecTrail CM periodically checks whether the certificates issued by certificate authorities are still valid. Therefore, it also has a warning mechanism for certificates revoked for reasons other than time constraints.

Sectrail CM