Manage your business processes 360 degrees with Bulutlakolay CRM!
With Bulutlakolay CRM, you can manage the current status of your business processes and direct the future of your business with the analyzes made. So, which prominent features do we offer in Bulutlakolay CRM that will make your work easier?
BulutlaKolay CRM Features
Thanks to the features offered by BulutlaKolay, it makes your business easier by enabling you to manage your business processes through a single portal. Our prominent features:
Sales/Opportunity Management
Warehouse Management
Campaign Management
Warranty Management
Customer Management
Activity Management
Product Management
User Management
Bulutlakolay CRM Privileges
Sales/Opportunity Management
You can manage and monitor all the opportunities of your company, the status of sales, contract management in sales processes, payment plan creation, invoicing, warehouse tracking of the products sold, delivery of your products to your customers and estimated time status.
Customer Management
You can categorize the list of your potential and actual customers in any way you want, access all records from a single portal, create reports according to categories and easily analyze your most valuable customers and customers with the highest potential for sales.
You can create the reports you need in many areas such as product sales status, profit / loss of your products, potential sales, stock status, customer categories, and according to these reports, you will have information about the current situation and future course.
Warranty Management
You can view the warranty periods of your sold products on the system and be informed about the sales actions to be taken at the end of the warranty period.
Campaign Management
You can analyze your sales and customers' orientation to products with reports, create campaign templates for your best-selling products, sold products and complementary products from ready-made themes or campaign-specific theme design on the portal and send your campaign information to as many customers as you wish via email.
Product Management
You can access the entry of the products in your company portfolio, the costs, sales prices, categories and manufacturer information of the products from a single area, and you can plan your product purchase periods thanks to its integration with the warehouse module.
User Management
You can manage all details such as which authorizations your corporate employees will have while using Bulutlakolay CRM system, assigning more than one authorization to individuals and/or granting / blocking certain authorizations under an authorization group. With a flexible and wide adaptable role-based model, you can prevent access to people without your knowledge.
Warehouse Management
You can view the warehouse tracking of your sold products, the distribution of the products in your company's possession, and view your products in detail on the portal, including row and shelf information for easy access to the products in your warehouse. With the integrated working mechanism of warehouse and sales management, you will know the stock status in advance and you will not encounter surprises in the stock status of your products.
Activity Management
You can view which jobs and which customers your employees spend the most effort on, their visit and meeting status, and you can make performance evaluations for all your employees on the portal.